Minggu, 06 September 2009

We Need More Baby's Eyes

I didn't know exactly why so much babies born in less developed countries, as if this crazy world has not got enough problems yet :-(. On the other side, I also didn't know why I have so much faith on people with baby's eyes :-). 
But I do now.

Babies are never complicated. They smile and cry for the very simple reasons. They are interested in simple things like butterflies, swing of tree, and a spot of sunlight. Each day, every minute, even every second is always new for them. (Remind me of the eyes of enthusiastic photographers.)
Life has so many things to offer, and they seem very happy being part of that.

Babies respond to the beauty, the liveliness, the sincerity. They love intensity, especially intensity of your presence. They are naturally fearless. But when they sense atmosphere of low intensity, they will show you the inconvenience, insecure, even fear. (Even a dangerous snake is less frightening for them than low intensity!)

Babies know how to play, means that they know rules as well. If a little smile is enough to get more love, they use it frequently. If annoying cry is more effective to get attention, they cry more. But smarter and healthier babies will try to figure out a more creative way to get what they wants. This means that babies know about choice and freedom, too.

Somehow I know that we are still a baby inside, and we can always recall him / her and renew ourselves with a kind of 'baby moment'. Just like a computer : You can always go the earliest restore point, and fix any distortion you've made simply by return to the original state, that is what I call 'baby moment'.

What is 'baby moment'?
'Baby moment' is a time for remembering that you are a divine creature, since you were made exclusively by God for a single divine purpose. Everyone of you is the only one, very limited edition, but each of you is universally connected with every single thing.

'Baby moment' also retells you that once upon a time, as a baby, you were attracted to light; so you are really similar to any plants! Once you had high passionate of liveliness, too, just like bees, fishes and cats. You loved sincerity so much, as well as dogs, birds and dolphins. You also had the same vivid eyes as squirrel's or angel's in many artworks. These are few of things you may discern in your 'baby moment'. Sometimes, in a deeper state, you hear a voice inside you whispering: "If God is the Creator, so we all are His precious babies. We are different outwardly, but deep inside we are similar and interconnected babies. Difference is a good thing, because we are so smart that desperately in need of various and chalenging games." That is the baby inside you speak up!

You know, if restore point can remove any incompatible softwares from your computer, 'baby moment' can do the same thing to any incompatible values in you. Once your mind-bodily system was so harmonious with universal rules, now you can always return to that restore point, calibrate yourself by wiping your inner conflicts out. Since you are designed for universal benefit, you will know that little things such political view, nationalism, and religious preference will never slow you down as long as they are based on universal values.

So, let the baby inside you jump out and join you in this game of life. You will see that everything will be much fun and simpler. Let the baby speak out undoubtedly:
"If you smile with me (whatever your political view), you are my friend.
If you laugh and play with me (whatever your nationalism), you are my best friend.
If you share many little things with me (whatever your religious preference), you are my forever friend".
("Just don't kidding me, okay? If you don't follow the rule, or you don't know how to share, means that you ruin the game. You are on a big big trouble!" :-|)

Now I know why babies born every single minute in this chaotic world. Because we need so much baby's eyes to neutralize the unnecessarily complicated details we've put on our 'computer', I mean our world.

But actually, your baby's eyes are all we need.

Kaka's eyes

picture source: http://www.funnypics4all.com/pics/2/3/2375.jpg